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Jubilation in the Jumpscare

The Winter 2022 edition of Klipsun magazine was themed "Joy." As a staff writer, I decided to delve into a topic that brings joy to me- horror movies. "Jubilation in the Jump Scare" examines why we love horror and why it feels so good to be so scared. This was my first brush with feature writing and is my favorite article I've written as a journalism student. 

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Bellingham Alive

In Summer 2021, I interned with the lifestyle magazine Bellingham Alive. I covered everything from local businesses and festivals to the best place to get a cocktail. As an Editorial Assistant, I gained experience that helped me hone my writing. 

The Dollar Baby Film Festival

In Spring 2021, I wrote a piece about a then upcoming online film festival. I initially wrote the piece for The Western Front. The paper ultimately decided not to public the piece, so I decided to publish it on my own. I was proud of the piece and it's one of my favorite articles I've ever written.

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The Western Front

The Western Front (Rebranded as The Front in Spring 2021) is the student newspaper at Western Washington University. I worked as a full-time reporter with The Western Front in Spring 2020, and covered breaking news in Spring 2021.

If you can't laugh at yourself, everything becomes heavy

© 2023 by Nicola Rider.
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